It’s My Nose…An Interview With the Artist

Gizmo here…Momz is still working on the new site, but I have to share something very exciting and I can’t wait till she’s done. Here it is…My Nose!


Isn’t that wonderful? And it really does look just like me…Momz sez she’d know it anywhere.

So how did my nose get painted? A couple of weeks ago I saw a post on my pal Molly the Wally’s blog that Sheila Wedegis, an artist from Palm Bay, Florida,  had started a project called 30 Dog Noses in 30 Days . Molly said that if we sent a photo to the artist she would paint our nose. Momz sent my photo off right away and yesterday there I was on Sheila’s blog, Dog Nose #27.

Momz was so excited she decided we should learn a bit more about Sheila. First, we visited her online art gallery, Palm Spirit Gallery.  There we were able to read a short biography:

Born in Boston, Sheila Wedegis has spent most of her life in the New England area. Sheila relocated to Palm Bay, FL from Portsmouth, NH with her husband, Roger, three cats and her black Labs, Sophie and Sammy and chocolate Lab, Fergus. Art has been her passion and expression since she was a child. Her formal training was at Butera School of Art in Boston, however her greatest growth has been in the actual “doing” …painting what she knows and loves. Her work reflects the upbringing of her adopted parents, her search for and finally her reunion with her biological mother. Her earliest work consisted of strict, detailed landscapes and still lives, using oil as her medium of choice. However, it wasn’t long before the need to reflect herself, her healing process became evident in her work. Through on going studies and workshops, observations and experimentation, there has been in constant rebirth with herself and her work. While grounding themselves in the realities of her life, Ms. Wedegis’ pieces contain an unmistakable spiritual essence. Often using herself as the central figure, she incorporates symbols and colors to reflect the world as she sees it. “To touch the soul of one other person, to know they are not alone on this journey” is the dedication of her work and the reflection of her life’s journey. Sheila continuing to paint her love of the Caribbean and her three Labrador Retrievers… stay tuned!!!

A visit to the gallery reveals that Sheila has a love for the colors and moods of Florida and the Caribbean, as well as an ongoing passion for dogs, especially Labrador Retrievers. Sheila maintains a separate gallery for her Labrador paintings, Labrador Retriever Art.  She has authored a number of books, most about the Labradors she has known and loved. A collection of her Labrador paintings, “The Small Book of Lab Art”, is available on Amazon. There’s also a Zazzle store where Lab lovers and others can purchase merchandise displaying some of  Sheila’s art.

Digging a little deeper, Momz found that many of Sheila’s Labrador paintings can be purchased from her Labrador Art gallery on the Fine Art America website. Her profile there tells us even more about her love of the breed:

As you see I specialize in painting Labrador Retrievers. Shortly after moving to Florida 11 years ago, my husband Roger gave me a small black Lab puppy. Sophie became my Muse, healing me after the death of my parents 6 days apart. Since painting is my lively hood, my life, I decided to draw and paint her. Soon there were three Labs living with us. I know their moods, their subtle moves, nuances. I know their soul.
Drawing, painting as a child, art school then continuous studying and ‘doing’. I paint everyday and have two blogs that you can see as well as my website.
Since I do have Labradors and they have such incredible spirits, I also donate to many Lab Rescues. has my artwork for Lab Rescues.
Other art may be seen at
I am happy and honored to say my Lab art is collected worldwide as well as commissioned.
If there’s anything you’d like to see painted as an original and a print please let me know.

Following the links we finally came to Sheila’s Saving a Lab a Day project.  For over three years Sheila painted Labradors, offering the paintings for auction at the Daily Paintworks site, and donating a percentage of the sale price to a Labrador rescue group. What amazing commitment to her breed! Sheila’s work is appreciated and honored by many. This past Summer Sheila was invited by the Ormond Memorial Art Museum & Gardens, Ormond Beach, FL to be one of 12 artists participating in their Dog Days of Summer show .

I had the privilege of interviewing Sheila today, and am very happy to share her thoughts with you.

How long have you been in Florida? What brought you here?

We moved here in 1999.   First the cold weather in the north got to I wanted to do outdoor shows all year round and was able to in this part of the country.

How did you come upon the idea of painting 30 dogs noses in 30 days? Have you enjoyed this project? What will you take away from it?

I saw the information from a friend on FB. Leslie Saeta was offering a 30 day challenge. We would choose a subject and do thirty days. The subject would be different then what we usually do. (sort of) lol…So I chose dog noses. I have absolutely loved painting them, working small and really concentrating on the form , lines, patterns.  Having ADHD, the project has held me to the everyday painting so I will be such an accomplishment.

Tell me about the books…why did you decide to write them? 

My Book, I WAS SICK AND NOW I’m NOT was written right after our chocolate Lab Fergus died last year from a brain tumor. It’s on   I lost my Muse, Sophie this past Sept 11 to malignant melanoma in her mouth. She has now become my Spirit Muse. (I was devastated)

When do you plan to begin traveling full time? Any goal destinations? Will you maintain a Florida connection?

Our hope is this year for travel.  We are still in search of the perfect RV for Roger and I and two large Labradors. First we plan on traveling up the eastern coast spending a few weeks at a time at different  places. In NC there is an RV park solely for adults and their dogs!!  Then we would spend the summer at a park in NH visiting our daughter and family. We would maintain a Florida connection. Many friends and our son and his family are here.

After dog noses, what next? Do you have a new series in the works?

I started a series called Water Dogs. Not just Labs but all dogs and I’m asking people to send me photos. Dogs in water, around water. I will be making a book.

Momz & I urge you all to check out Sheila’s art and consider having her paint a special keepsake of your beloved fur friends.

Time for our 30/30 Challenge Ticker Update. You’ll notice that though today is the 29th, we’re only on Day 27 in the ticker. There’s been a few bumps recently, so we missed two days, but made up a bit with some extra long outdoor fun on Sunday.

We’re joining our friend Lulu today at her weekly Florida Bloggers Blog Hop.


About Gizmo

Hi! I'm Gizmo...a handsome terrier-about-town with a distinct point of view. I will write about whatever interesting things come across my desk, appear on my twitter feed @GizmoGeodog, or meet me out on the geotrails. I love to geocache cause it takes me to all the wild places & I can get back to being a real dog. I care about all my brofurs & sisfurs who haven't found their own forever homes yet, & raise funds to help them whenever I can. My girl brought me home from the shelter & together we explore our world. I do my best to make her smile, & she does her best for me. We are a team.
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61 Responses to It’s My Nose…An Interview With the Artist

  1. Hey! We knows that nose – and LOVE it! What a great spirit and champion for pups Sheila is! Thanks, Giz, for telling us about her and her work – and for the giggle in seeing your nose pressed up against our screen! Four paws up and full body wag!

  2. Emmadog says:

    Nice nose! I saw another nose on facebook the other day…interesting idea 🙂

  3. Hi Giz!! I love this painting!! You have a great nose, buddy! Do you think that Sheila would paint my nose?? Oh, wait…then she would have to paint my graying mustache as well. I don’t know about that. BOL

    I can’t wait to see the new self-hosted site!! I am waiting…impatiently, of course.
    *high paws* Oz

    • Gizmo says:

      You can certainly send Sheila your photo…Email it to her at sophie at palm-spirit dot com. I believe the project is now extended into February, and your graying mustache just gives you character. The site will not look much different at first…I’m mostly making sure everything is working for now…There’s going to be more changes in the next few months as I figure out how ot use the new features available to me.

  4. loubelcher says:

    What a wonderful post. Sheila does beautiful work and your nose is just perfect Gizmo. Thanks for listing all the resources to find Sheila’s books and galleries.

  5. Gizmo…. I love this article… It’s super. Flat Max is in the studio next to Sheila’s and everything you said about her paintings is absolutely correct. She’s a wonderful artist and a true animal lover.. BTW: You have a beautiful nose.

    hugs, Max, Bugsy and KNuckles

  6. Kristine says:

    Very cool! Considering a dog’s nose is probably their most important tool, kind of like how humans treasure our eyes, I guess you could say a dog’s nose is almost a key to his soul. Or something. It sounded much more poetic in my head. The artist is certainly very talented!

    • Gizmo says:

      Sheila is a wonderful artist. I love her tropical paintings as much as the dog paintings. I know I’m not the only one who sees my dog’s nose and can’t resist planting a kiss there…And I do understand what you mean about the nose being a dog’s key to his world.

  7. Very cool! I love it. What a unique idea! I’m loving the dog paintings; we have one and can’t wait to fill our home with more.

    • Gizmo says:

      I’ve many photographs of my dogs, but this is the first time I’ve ever been lucky enough to have a painting made and it’s such a very special keepsake to me.

  8. catchatcaren says:

    We saw that post too and are now following her blog! Her paintings of noses are amazing!

    • Gizmo says:

      What surprised me the most was that all the noses are so different and each has its own special character…I love them all and am really pleased to be able to bring Sheila’s work some well-deserved attention.

  9. Pawsome nose portrait by Sheila, Gizmo. We are amazed how she captures us all in one small focused area. Brilliant. Well done on the interview and all the background info. Nice one pal! Have a terrific Tuesday.
    Best wishes Molly

    • Gizmo says:

      I owe you big thanks Molly since I first learned about Sheila and the Nose project on your blog…She is excellent and I’m so happy you led me to her. Thank you!

  10. That’s very cool. You know us and art, we will jump over and check her out. Good luck with your big move too.

    • Gizmo says:

      I thought of you as I wrote this, and figured you’d appreciate my first artist post on Artsy Fartsy Tuesday 🙂 I’m sure you’ll love Sheila’s paintings as much as i do

  11. FleaByte says:

    Gizmo, you have a lovely nose! Sheila did a fine job recreating it.

  12. What a cute little nose. A perfect likeness. We will have to stop over to see this artist.

  13. And what a cute nose it is!
    Great info Gizmo, thanks for sharing the interview. Looking forward to seeing more of Sheila’s artworks:-)

  14. Hay, youz nosey like me, Shelia iz so wonderful and talented, great to hear all’z about her’z Gizmo 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    • Gizmo says:

      She has done such a beautiful job with all of or noses…I feel privileged that she chose to paint mine and thought it right to let folks know all about her

  15. That would be so cool! If any nose needs to be painted, it’s Lulu’s! Wonder if she’s still doing it!

    Thanks for joining the Florida Bloggers Blog Hop!

    Christie from

  16. Will and Eko says:

    Your nose has never looked better! Heading over to check out Sheila’s blog now, thanks for sharing.

    • Gizmo says:

      You’re right, it hasn’t…usually has some mud or maybe leftover food on it 😉 Enjoy all her paintings…they show a true love of dogs

  17. rottrover says:

    Thanks for all the info, Giz! And we love your Giznose!!

    -Bart and Ruby

  18. Jodi says:

    That’s a beautiful nose there Gizmo. 🙂 What a wonderful interview and an awesome lady. Of course you had me when she said she loved labs.

  19. Thanks for stopping by! We are excited to see your new site. Any friend of Mollie’s is a friend of ours!

    Keep Calm & Bark On,

    Murphy & Stanley

  20. Gizmo, I will leave the tweeting and uffer bits to you, if that’s OK. We’z snowed under thiz end ( truley ) Can youz be publicity manager..Please 🙂 xxx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  21. swedegis says:

    WOW!!!! Thank you so much Gizmo for promoting my artwork and being such a wonderful model!!! I so appreciate it!! Thank you all!!!! xox

    • Gizmo says:

      Sheila it is totally my pleasure…I am so excited to see Giz’s nose in person I had to thank you the best way I knew..glad you approve 🙂

  22. garthriley2007 says:

    What’s better than dog snouts?!?! We love the painting! Will try to get mom to send one of my many water photos. Thanks for sending us a msg about this. Mom has been so busy and we are very behind on visiting bloggies.

    your pal,

    • Gizmo says:

      Dog noses are the cutest (even when they’re covered in mud, right Garth?) I thought of you immediately when I read about the Water Dogs project…You’re perfect for that one!

  23. Bosun Dawg says:

    Your nose looks greeeeeeeeeeat Gizmo. How exciting that you were included, and we enjoyed reading the interview with the artist very much.

  24. peggyspetplace says:

    What a cute nose! Also great to learn about Sheila and her art.

  25. Ann Paws says:

    What a great painting of your cute lil nose Gizmo! Sheila is a wonderful artist, thanks for sharing her with us. Maybe I will have to find a picture of Shiner to send to her. Sorry to hear about her loss to such a nasty cancer.

    • Gizmo says:

      Sheila is a wonderful artist…I’m not sure how many more noses she’s planning to paint, but remember that her next series is “Water Dogs”, so maybe submit a photo for that?

  26. Pingback: Looking beyond your own nose | Spread Information

  27. Anonymous says:

    Gosh! You sure did a lot of research on the artist! I bet she’s glad she painted your nose Giz 🙂 x

  28. What an AMAZING find!! What a wonderful piece of art, too–something you’ll be able to look back on and cherish forever. 🙂

    • Gizmo says:

      You are so right! Sheila is shipping the painting “as soon as the paint dries” (something I hadn’t even considered!) and I can’t wait to see it…It will have a place of honor here for sure

  29. Gizmo, what a fantastic painting of your beautiful nose. Lovely interview too 🙂

  30. Mowzers, Mister G! You’s got a pawesome nose there – and how cool is it that she’s taking this on as a challenge! We can’t wait to see your new site!!!

  31. Pingback: Looking beyond your own nose | Madeline Scribes

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