I’m terrified of heights…really terrified…so when I was invited to do a ropes course I thought it would be a good way to work on that fear…here’s my bravest moment…

Ropes Course BW

Thanks to My Life in Blog Years ​, You Did What with Your Wiener and Dachshund Nola for hosting the Black and White Sunday blog hop.

black and white sunday

 Here’s today’s 30/30 Challenge ticker:


About Gizmo

Hi! I'm Gizmo...a handsome terrier-about-town with a distinct point of view. I will write about whatever interesting things come across my desk, appear on my twitter feed @GizmoGeodog, or meet me out on the geotrails. I love to geocache cause it takes me to all the wild places & I can get back to being a real dog. I care about all my brofurs & sisfurs who haven't found their own forever homes yet, & raise funds to help them whenever I can. My girl brought me home from the shelter & together we explore our world. I do my best to make her smile, & she does her best for me. We are a team.
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42 Responses to MY BRAVEST MOMENT – B&W SUNDAY #6

  1. Wow! I am very impressed (and not thrilled with heights myself).

  2. ilovecats says:

    Congrats on facing your fear.

  3. oh that looks scary to me…. only this rope between the feet and the “nowhere” … wow, that’s really courageous ;o)

  4. Wow you are brave. Have a super Black N White Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

  5. catchatcaren says:

    better you than me! You’d never find me up there! 🙂

  6. Loy says:

    Oh Wow! I wouldn’t do that for love or money! You are soooooooooooo brave!!! I’m glad you lived to tell about it! You Rock!

  7. Millie says:

    Very scary looking. I bet it was fun though.

  8. Very cool! Like you, I am also terrified of heights. One of my biggest accomplishments as such was to go rappelling. It was awesome!

    Congratulations on tackling your fear.

  9. maxwellnfaraday says:

    Mowzers, our mommy was invited to do one of those – she was *ahem* sorry to say she was busy that day…(HA)

  10. Garth Riley says:

    Way to go doing a ropes course if you’re afraid of heights! Those things are scary enough if you aren’t particularly afraid of heights.


  11. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Now that really IS brave – don’t think you’d catch me up there – hold tight!! 🙂

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

  12. Gizmo, your “girl” is brave and fearless. Next time she should take you with her. Then you can experience one more thing together. WOW.

    ruff, ruff.

  13. Ann Paws says:

    That looks pretty scary. How high up were you?

  14. Jodi says:

    Dang! And you should be proud of that! I’m not big fond of heights myself but definitely not on a rope!! You are a very brave woman!

    • Gizmo says:

      The opportunity was unexpected, and once presented I just went for it…I knew that if I thought about it for long I’d chicken out 😉

  15. Val says:

    THIS IS AWESOME!!! I love ropes courses 🙂

  16. bichonpawz says:

    To me…that is just TERRIFYING!!! Yikes! But YAY You for conquering what you started out to do!!

  17. Novroz says:

    I should follow your step! because I am also afraid of height

  18. You are totally mad, I would die up there. I take my hat off to you..Well done 🙂 You deserve a big hug for that 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  19. You are totally mad, I would die up there. I take my hat off to you, well done 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  20. Looks like fun!!!!!!! Except I would be a basket case if I looked down. I love to climb UP, I have trouble getting down though.

    • Gizmo says:

      Down was easy…you just let go fell back into your harness…it was a controlled fall with two guides making sure you didn’t come down too quickly

  21. We tried to leave comments yesterday, but wordpress was playing up :(. You are barking mad, I would die up I take my hat off to you for your bravery 🙂 xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  22. Wow, that’s high, Gizmo, but you did it. Good for you 🙂

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