Mom has been wanting to do a Shelter Drive-By since she first read about it at BlogPaws Be The Change but she has been working so much lately she hadn’t found the time. Today was her first day off and we realized that if we got our act together today (not always an easy thing on a Sunday) we could get our drive-by done just under the wire.

Luckily our Doggie Social Club had a hike planned for this morning (more about the hike in a later post) at a favorite trail, so I was able to get Mom up and out early. After the hike we went to the store and purchased a boxful of the items on our shelter’s wish list.

The participating shelter in our town is the SPCA of Florida, headquartered here in Lakeland . This organization does an amazing job locally, helping thousands of needy pets each year, and certainly deserves our support.

The shelter is closed on Sundays, so we were not able to hand our box over personally, but we left it under cover at the donation door, certain that it will be found early tomorrow.

I’m so glad we were able to get this done today. Now it’s time fur noms & naps.


We’ve added our post to the Shelter Appreciation Week Blog Hop so hop on over and see who else did a drive-by.

About Gizmo

Hi! I'm Gizmo...a handsome terrier-about-town with a distinct point of view. I will write about whatever interesting things come across my desk, appear on my twitter feed @GizmoGeodog, or meet me out on the geotrails. I love to geocache cause it takes me to all the wild places & I can get back to being a real dog. I care about all my brofurs & sisfurs who haven't found their own forever homes yet, & raise funds to help them whenever I can. My girl brought me home from the shelter & together we explore our world. I do my best to make her smile, & she does her best for me. We are a team.
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  1. Hey Gizmo, Jet here. Hi Miss JG.

    What a great way to help… love, love it… glad you had your morning social outing, too! You’re a pawesome pair!

  2. Awesome, Gizmo! You did a great job!

    Christie from

  3. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Hey Guys,

    You sure rock, the shelter is going to be so happy when they find your donation!! 🙂

    Wags to all,

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

    • Gizmo says:

      Thanks Snoopy! Yes they were very happy and even asked if they could use the blog post for their own blog…I felt very good about that *snoogles* to you furriend!

  4. Awww that is such a good idea! I remember when I was a little kid, I actually used to save up all my change for about a year, in a big jug and a year later gave it all to our local SPCA, and though now as I look back if I was a adult they may have given me a quizzical look,….like “really?…you want us to count all this”, they made a big fuss about it, and I felt sooo good after that. I did volunteer a couple months ago at one for a couple days, but what a good idea to put together a care package for this coming season! What a good mommy you have Gizmo!

    • Gizmo says:

      Thank you for such kind words…Gizmo came from the local animal control shelter and he insists we give back whenever we can to help those still in need

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