Lawn Fairies??? What the heck are lawn fairies you ask….well let me tell you about them…

Mom has lived in this house for over 6 years now and for that entire time she has had lawn fairies…kind strangers who take care of her yard for her. She doesn’t know who they are or why they do this for her, but every two weeks the fairies come and mow her yard, and use some loud machine things to trim the edges and push the leaves around. They’ve never come over or spoken to her and they’ve never sent a bill…they just clean up the yard and fly away. It’s a mystery for sure, but one that my Mom is very thankful for.

This post is part of the THANKFUL THURSDAY BLOG HOP hosted by our furriend PEPI SMARTDOG. Hop on over to PEPI’S BLOG to visit the other blogs and see what effuryone is thankful for today.

About Gizmo

Hi! I'm Gizmo...a handsome terrier-about-town with a distinct point of view. I will write about whatever interesting things come across my desk, appear on my twitter feed @GizmoGeodog, or meet me out on the geotrails. I love to geocache cause it takes me to all the wild places & I can get back to being a real dog. I care about all my brofurs & sisfurs who haven't found their own forever homes yet, & raise funds to help them whenever I can. My girl brought me home from the shelter & together we explore our world. I do my best to make her smile, & she does her best for me. We are a team.
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  1. Loy says:

    Oh Gizmo, I wish some of those Lawn Fairies would come to my house and work on my yard!

  2. Woof! Woof! That’s wonderful. You get to enjoy the lawn too. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  3. What a neat thing the lawn fairies are doing for you. It is so good to hear of good deeds and that people and fairies are good at heart.

  4. rumpydog says:

    Wow! That is really nice! I am impressed.

  5. Hey Giz, Jet here. Hi Miss JG.

    How cool is that? I bet they receive good karma in return. 🙂

  6. Oskar says:

    Wow, what a super fairie to have!

    Nubbin wiggles,

  7. Roo says:

    How wonderful! Lawn Fairies – never heard of them before – they sound very nice 🙂

    Waggin at ya,

    PeeS: Luv the fairy picture 🙂

    • Gizmo says:

      “PeeS” BOL! You are so funny Roo my furriend! Yes lawn fairies are super…they keep my lawn in shape fur me and my adventures. *snoogles* to yo my furriend

  8. snoopys@snoopysdogblog says:

    Hey Gizmo,

    Can you leave a note and send them over this way?! Tee Hee

    Hope you’re having a fun, mischievous day 🙂

    Your pal Snoopy 🙂

    PS – you really need to get your paws on that book buddy, remember, the humans have to go to sleep some time, so much Mischief for you to learn!! 🙂

    • Gizmo says:

      Hiya Snoopy…I’ll leave a note fur you but no promises 😉 Got a quick look last night and used the “look innocent” and “puppy eyes” tips when Mom found I’d snagged her sock…worked really well…you are the Master of Mischief!

  9. Wow. That is amazing. I like knowing there are still good people out there.

  10. PepiSmartDog says:

    Beautiful lawn fairy !! We keep looking out the window for some too. BOL ! :=o)

  11. Wow, you must have some really good Karma to have such wonderful lawn fairies!

  12. Gizmo, thank you for liking my post. You’re a cute fellow, with an interesting blog. Granny likes fairies too, you know. I like to know you better, so I’ll sign up 🙂

  13. germancookie says:

    you should get a Pinterest button!

  14. Nice to meet you Gizmo. I wish I had lawn fairy’s. Have a great day.

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